We are currently looking for chinese and korean translators, ktimers and ktypesetters.
They will be released in 5 separated parts - 2 for the first disc, 3 for the second disc
Keep checking here for more info ^^
- NONE of our subbed videos are to be uploaded ANYWHERE by anyone!!! We will provide some alternate links.
- None of our subbed videos are to be uploaded to ANY streaming site AT ALL! We will provide the streaming site on our blog [http://miracle13oys.blogspot.com/]
- There will be no permissions granted for hosting ANY of our super show subbed videos - We will NOT be nice if we find ANYONE uploading ANY of our subbed super show videos ANYWHERE regardless if they are DDLs or streaming!!!
Credits: Translator - Tokki. // Timer - tenniscalgal // Editor & QC'er - lil_aqua_chic // Typesetter & Encoder - fallenframes
Download / Streaming Links:
Part 1 Disc 1 [Intro, Twins, Rock This House, Don't Don, Mirror, Ment #1, She's Gone] Version 1
Translators - Tokki., purple_princess, liephe_mintz, diruJUMP, fob4ever, stawbewii
Timers - tenniscalgal, purty.sunshine, isha_eisya, lil_aqua_chic
K-timers - tenniscalgal, isha_eisya, purty.sunshine, lil_aqua_chic, moon_kaka
Editors - nicki_maxwell, lil_aqua_chic, lpgranger, jixji // QC'ers - tenniscalgal & nicki_maxwell
K-typesetter - Teukie_no1 // Typesetter - o0hockeys_angel0o & fallenframes // Encoder - AkumaX
Special thanks to music52freak, lilactinggirl and Mish for alternate links
Download Links
Avi [750mb]
SS 001 SS 002 SS 003
MF 001 MF 002 MF 003 MF 004 MF 005 MF 006 MF 007 MF 008
MU 001 [to come] MU 002
SS 001 SS 002 [to come]
MF 001 MF 002 MF 003 MF 004 MF 005
Disc 1 Part 1 [Intro, Twins, Rock This House, Don't Don, A Man In Love, Mirror, Ment #1, She's Gone] Version 2
Raw Provider - o0hockeys_angel0oTranslators - Tokki., purple_princess, liephe_mintz, diruJUMP, fob4ever, stawbewii ;; Spot translators - Tokki., diruJUMP, nicki_maxwell ;; Timers - tenniscalgal, purty.sunshine, isha_eisya, lil_aqua_chic ;; K-timers - tenniscalgal, isha_eisya, purty.sunshine, lil_aqua_chic, moon_kaka ;; Editors - nicki_maxwell, lil_aqua_chic, lpgranger, jixji ;; QC'ers - tenniscalgal & nicki_maxwell ;; K-typesetter - lil_aqua_chic ;; Typesetter - o0hockeys_angel0o & fallenframes ;; Encoder - battleuphoria
Download links:
MU ;; MF - to come ;; Streaming - Part 1.1 ; Part 1.2 - to come ; Part 1.3 - to come ;; MP4 - to come
Disc 1 Part 2 [You're My Endless Love, Dancing Out, The Night Chicago Died (K.R.Y), My Everything (Donghae's Solo), First Time I Met You (Ryeowook & Kyuhyun), Doll (Leeteuk & Yesung), I Stop Walking Again (K.R.Y) & Luxembourg (Kangin, Sungmin & Siwon)] Version 2
Raw Provider - o0hockeys_angel0o ;; Translators - Tokki., liephe_mintz, diruJUMP & koreanhugs ;; Spot translators - Tokki. & Yuri (aus2ones) ;; Timers - tenniscalgal, isha_eisya, lil_aqua_chic, fallenframes & moon_kaka ;; K-timers - tenniscalgal, lil_aqua_chic & moon_kaka ;; Editors - nicki_maxwell, lpgranger & purple_princess ;; QC'ers - lil_aqua_chic & purple_princess ;; K-typesetter - lil_aqua_chic ;; Typesetter - o0hockeys_angel0o ;; Encoder - hanarero
Download links:
MU ;; MF - to come ;; Streaming - to come ;; MP4 - to come
Continue watching this space for the rest of the concert ^^
Thanks a lot for uploading. I've been waiting for this.
Love you all!!!
OMFG thank you for the sub ive been waiting for it since ive order the DVD i wnt know what will be talking about because i wont understand korean. And with no eng subs made me even more like :S:S:S:S
&& umm i was wodnering you know in dont don. They didnt say 'We'll protect you, 13 members' but deyre saying 'Super Junior Henry Lau' but yet again correct me if im wrong ^^
reencurtis, our KOREAN translator was the one who translated and we fully trust her translations on this. I do hope you recall at what time Super Show was. It was before SJM debuted...before E.L.F. had even begun to accept Henry.
ohhhh okay (: nah its because i was confuse that's all but thank you for expainling (:
WOW! thanks a lot for this.. omg. i've been waiting for this! thank you! thank you!
thank you soo much for subbing, really appreciate it!!! ^^
I wonder if you can share the softsub, I've already had the raw
it would be great if you can share it, but its okay if you can't <333
gc-rabbits, I'm really sorry but we are firm in our policy against sharing our softsubs. Sorry >.<
thanks soo much!
could you upload disc 1 part 2 in mp4 format too? :D THANK YOU~!
(& I took the MF links)
tracyy! - Yup the rest of the concert will all be uploaded in mp4 as well ^^
thanks for the video... waiting for the next part ok... i hope SS link for avi. available too for the next part...
Thanks for the upload..
so looking forward for the next parts.. XD
the english subtitles helped a lot..
good work.. *hwaiting*
can't wait for the rest. thank you for these. really appriciate your effort♥
thank you very much for subbing it. I'm a new fans of suju, and it's nice to found the sub version.
Love the boys ^^
Thank you so much for subbing this amazing concert! Even though I have the DVD watching it subbed is so much better, I can understand now.
But will you be subbing the second CD? I would love to see it subbed too, thanks again!
Thank you so much for subbing this amazing concert! Even though I have the DVD watching it subbed is so much better, I can understand now.
But will you be subbing the second CD? I would love to see it subbed too, thanks again!
thank u for subbing <3
i'm snagging from MF links.. thank you guys for MF links.. MU hates me :( i just found this blog today.. this is beyond awesome.. ^^
and a whole bunch of cookies for u guys for making this blog rather than forum.. forum is hard to navigate..
hi thanks for subbing.. i'm taking the mf links.. looking forward to the other parts coming out.. =)
WoW T_________T
best sub I ever seen T_____________T
I think I'm going to live in your Blog xDDD
waiting with happiness x3
WOW thank you so much! I hope you'll continue with this project for the benefit of all non-Korean-speaking fans. :D YAY!
Ahh sorry for the slow replies everyone ^^;;
Yes we will still be subbing this project... it is currently underway. We will however be doing a re-release of the first part to re-do the kfx as our previous kfx has gone missing and we cannot figure out what codings she had used ^^;
We ask for everyone's patience... but we can assure you... this project WILL BE finished before Super Show II DVD comes out... which we will also be subbing =]
But thanks to everyone for your lovely comments and support ^^ We hope you'll all continue supporting us ^^
thanks 4 this,nomu kamsahae ^^v
nomu kamsahae ^^v
thanks a lot for subbing this looking forward to to your future releases & I'm very excited for Super Show 2 DVD! TIA for also subbing that one! <3
when will the nxt one be up?
I’ve been looking for this..Super Show with eng subs..thank you very much! Can’t wait for the disc 2 to be uploaded.. :D
hey hey hey. been for so long for the next one. is there a next one?
I'm DL-ing it now~
thx for the uploads ^^
I'm DL-ing it now~
thx for the uploads ^^
wow thanks a lot ^^ I'm taking this.. hehe thank you very much for all your hard work.. keep it up (Y)
can i ask??. how can i download it in mp4 form?. thanks for uploading it I've been waiting for this since i cant find a DVD here in the Philippines. hope you could help me thanks a lot.
hi :D
im wondering, whats the difference between the 1st and 2nd version?
@fishydotlove The karaoke effects are different for the 1st and 2nd versions of part 1. I would suggest you download version 2. The reason for the change in karaoke effects is that the original kfx'er disappeared on us and we feared that it would look really different for the remaining parts so we chose to redo it with a different karaoke effect that will be the same for the remaining parts.
Thank you so much for subbing and shared this!!! I've been waiting for so long. Thanks again ^^
Thank you so much!! I've been trying to find this everywhere!!!
thank you soooooo much for subbing this!! *O*
now I can understand everything ^^
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